"How to Thrive in a Global Pandemic!", Speaker: Roger Wolkoff, North Region Community Virtual Meeting (Cabarrus & Huntersville)

Power Skills

Topic:  How to Thrive in a Global Pandemic!

Presentation Description:  Discover new directions for new normals. That’s right, new “normals.” We are emerging from an unprecedented situation we never dreamed possible – a global pandemic. You want and need essential tools to navigate the rocky waters of working with your people again. Everyone’s normal is new, and it’s not necessarily the same normal from person to person. Now, more than ever, it is essential to lead the way with authenticity. We help you discover what your normal is and why it doesn’t have to be like everyone else’s. How do you do it? Use the C.A.R.E. model: change, adapt, resilience, empathy. Reimagine what life and work look like as we emerge and engage with each other again.

Learning Outcome:

  • This program focuses on what you absolutely must have to move forward.
  • We give you laser focus on how leaders and teams have to change, adjust, and adapt.

Speaker: Roger Wolkoff



Presenter Bio:  Roger Wolkoff Chief Authenticity & Relationship Expert (C.A.R.E.) Professional Speaker & Author All About Authenticity.  Roger is a motivational speaker who helps you create teams and companies people don’t want to leave. You hire him for his expertise in emotional intelligence and appreciation. He doesn’t give up on people; he believes they will find a way to move forward and improve. How does he do it? Roger’s programs are high content and motivational in style and tone. He delivers stories, ideas, and keys to unlock what’s already inside you. Roger has over 20 years of expert interpersonal communication and team-building experience. Audiences rave about his two most popular keynotes, How to Thrive in Times of Uncertainty and Create Companies People Don’t Want to Leave. Roger’s core messages center around trust, communication, and emotional intelligence. He helps leaders and high-performing teams communicate with clarity, conviction, and positive intent. He is an advocate of Clifton’s Strength Finder, VIA Character Strengths, and everything surrounding positivity. Roger lives in Madison, Wisconsin. He currently serves as the President of the National Speakers Association Wisconsin Chapter. He loves to travel, bike, and read science fiction. He is a big fan of baseball, pinball, and all things Tesla.

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Type of category: Cabarrus County

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: January 20th, 2022

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
