"Stress Dumping: 3 Steps to deal with stress caused by other people", Speaker: Eliz Greene, North (Cabarrus & Huntersville) Virtual Meeting

Business Acumen


Stress Dumping: 3 Steps to deal with stress caused by other people



What do you do when a phone call from an upset client, your college-aged offspring, or a stressed-out friend causes your stress to increase?  Mimicking other people’s stress is part of how our brains create empathy, which is why it can feel awful to have someone dump their stress all over you.

This program, created specifically for high-performance teams in high-pressure occupations reveals how to protect yourself from stress dumping sanity, well-being, and performance under stress caused by other people.

It includes 3 steps to: 

  • Recognize the signs of stress dumping.
  • Frame the interaction to decrease the stress impact.
  • Wipe off the stress rather than passing it along.



Speaker:  Eliz Greene



Speaker Bio:

Surviving a heart attack at age 35 while seven months pregnant with twins propelled Eliz Greene on a mission to share her story to inspire other busy people to pay attention to their health. Recognizing stress as an essential and often under-addressed risk factor, Eliz conducted a research study on job stress. Eliz is an author and writes a Top Health and Wellness Blog. She was named as a Top Online Influencer on Stress and Heart Health. She’s been seen on CNN, PBS, Lifetime, TNT, and many national and local news programs. A national spokesperson and advocate for the American Heart Association, Eliz received the Heart Hero Award in 2010. Organizations such as NASA and CVS have used her strategies to reduce workplace stress. Today, Eliz is happy and healthy living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with her wonderful husband, Clay, their amazing (now adult) daughters.


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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Cabarrus County

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: November 17th, 2022

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
