"Needs, Negotiables and Nevers - Create Boundaries", Speaker: Coach Lee Hopkins, East Region (Wilmington & Jacksonville) Virtual Meeting

Power Skills

Topic:  Let's face it, most of us are just not intentional about making friendships. Work and life keeps us too busy for friendships. Or we may feel as if we're wasting our time with others because we don't have deep, interesting conversations that lead to more meaningful friendships. We spend years grinding at whatever life throws us only to then look up, and realize we're alone. Stop telling yourself that you're too busy. Attendees will learn my 3N framework that will give actionable steps on how to create boundaries from their busy lives.


Learning Objectives:

  • Benefits of clear boundaries
  • How to discover your Needs, Negotiable, Nevers
  • Using appropriate language to convey your boundaries


Speaker: Coach Lee Hopkins



Speaker Bio:  Coach Lee Hopkins (he/him/his) is a transgender man who helps people create lasting friendships. After struggling with loneliness most of his life, he tried to cure his loneliness by people-pleasing, moving cross country and even pretending he didn't need any friends. On his journey, he discovered that he needed to befriend himself by creating and nurturing boundaries with himself. Now he coaches busy bodies on keys to creating and expressing the strong boundaries that make strong friendships. 






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Type of category: Wilmington

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: February 28th, 2023

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
