"Leadership Impacts Everything", Speaker: Keith Shaw, East Region (Wilmington & Jacksonville) Virtual Meeting

Business Acumen


Leadership is more important today than ever.  Leadership impacts everything, so your leaders must be intentional about connecting with the workforce as it has a direct impact on organizational success and the retention of your valuable workforce.  Creating and maintaining a great work environment is an important part of retention, peak performance and change.  In this session, attendees are educated regarding key fundamentals of leadership, the importance of being intentional about growth, how their personal development ties to their responsibilities as a leader and the 10 Influential Behaviors of Engaging Leadership are revealed as methods that accelerate connection, trust, confidence and engagement.  These behaviors also reduce workplace stress and employee burnout.  These components are brought to life with stories, statistics and examples from real life experiences, accompanied with challenges for the attendees to reflect upon and take action.  Attendees are challenged to become their best version so they can continuously improve as leaders and have more professional and personal success.



  • Intentionality and Personal Development are the Gateway to Your Gift. (We get distracted by daily challenges and forget that we are responsible for our own growth and development. We have access to everything we need to succeed)
  • Leadership Impacts Everything (Leadership has a positive impact on personal and work-related endeavors. We must increase our leadership influence and equip others with the skills necessary to lead our organizations)
  • Leverage Leadership Engagement (Attendees are provided with 10 behaviors that facilitate greater engagement and connection with the workforce)


Speaker: Coach Keith Shaw


Speaker Bio:

Coach Keith Shaw is a Fortune 500 experienced executive coach and consultant, certified human resources leader, former university professor, certified leadership training facilitator and DISC behavior style analyst with 30 years of experience.  He helps organizations create great work environments by developing a championship mindset, improving personal development, and developing world-class management skills and leadership practices which help managers become trusted, confident and well-prepared leaders that connect, engage and deliver amazing results.  He is passionate about this topic because it helped him find his way from poverty to prosperity.  He will provide the audience with inspiration, hope and a roadmap to the life, career and results they desire and deserve.

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Type of category: Wilmington

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: January 24th, 2023

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
