PMI Metrolina 3rd Annual Veteran's Transition & Skillfest Event

nterested in project management? Not sure what project management is?  Looking to network with hiring companies and non-profits that help veterans in the job hunt?  LtCol (ret.) Jay Hicks, author of "The Transitioning Military Project Manager" series of books will be returning again as our Key Note Speaker. The event is open to all branches of the military, active, guard/reserve, veteran and retired.  Attendees will leave with ammo to further their transition to project management along with a significant number of new networking opportunities with recruiters and direct hire companies.

Morgon Latimore is a US Marine and motivational speaker. He is both energetic and committed to motiving, inspiring, and improving his audience's abilities to overcome challenging moments in their lives. An Endurance Coach (15 yrs) and Mentor (24 yrs), Morgan has developed his abilities to maintain his audience's attention by being his genuine self. He has shared his message with Colleges, Seminars, Athletes, Marines, Sailors, and at risk youth. With specialties in leadership, life transitions relationship development, resilience, he can help you.


For additional info contact:

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Special Events

Date: April 6th, 2019

Hour: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Number of PDUs: 0


Members: Free

Non members: Free


Town of Spring Lake - Recreation Center