"Building and Enhancing Professional Trust", Speaker: Charles Holley , Central (Mooresville & West Lake Norman)

Business Acumen


Research suggests most leaders really do trust their team members. But the same research reveals most team members do not FEEL trusted by their leaders. What could be the cause for this discrepancy and how can leaders close this perception gap by demonstrating trust in various ways? Learn several ways leaders can “put trust into action,” close the perception gap, and build or enhance professional trust that leads to improved engagement with team members


Learning Objectives:

  • Trust:  Everyone does not see it the same. Getting on the same page.
  • Learn Ways to Verbally Communicate Trust
  • Learn Ways to Demonstrate Trust in Assignments and Tasks
  • Learn Ways to Demonstrate Trust in Leadership


Speaker:  Charles Holley


Speaker Bio:

Charles Holley is an Award-winning Speaker and Author who specializes in Communication, Inspiration, and Employee Engagement. He is a 30-year business professional who has served in various areas of leadership throughout his career. He received a BS in Business Administration in the area of Management Information Systems. He is also the author of the leadership book, “7 Needs of High Performing Employees.”


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Type of category: West Lake Norman

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: June 8th, 2023

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
