2023 PDD - In Person

Power Skills


Purchase of a 2023 PDD In Person ticket includes access to On Demand Sessions to earn a total of 7.3 PDUs

Catering for lunch, snacks & beverages (non-alcoholic) Provided between session Tracks

Opening Keynote: "Framing A City for the Future”

Power Skills - Taiwo Jaiyeoba, City Manager Greensboro & Former Charlotte City Planner: Community of Practice


Taiwo currently serves as City Manager with the City of Greensboro, the 3rd largest city in the State of North Carolina. Greensboro’s mission to create endless economic opportunities for our residents and an exceptional, equitable quality of life. Prior to joining the City of Greensboro, Taiwo was an Assistant City Manager and Director of Planning with the City of Charlotte.  

He has have worked in both public and private sectors including as Senior Consultant and Executive with multinational consulting firms.  

Taiwo is a national speaker and currently a national board member of mPact (formerly Railvolution). mPact is a network of industry leaders and advocates focused on the interplay of transit, mobility and development in creating great places to live - for everyone; national board member of the Housing Supply Accelerator (a partnership between the American Planning Association and the National League of Cities). This partnership brings together local governments, community planners, builders, financial institutions, housing policy associations and state and federal partners to develop, align and advance solutions for housing supply challenges at the local level. He is a member of the Women’s Transportation Seminar and the American Public Transportation Association. He is a graduate of MIT Sloan School of Management Certificate in Leadership. 

Key Takeaways

Include (1) understanding the difficult task of planning, developing, and managing a city (2) ideas for making a city people-friendly (3) attendees roles in the process of framing a city.



Closing Keynote: 

Power Skills - Lauren Ansley, CEO/Founder Ansley Corporate Entertainment:The Funny Thing About Resilience


We can't anticipate all the challenges we will face in our businesses. We can, however, decide how we will react, respond and recover. In “The Funny Thing About Perseverance,” Lauren will share her story of perseverance and how - with a healthy dose of humor and a fresh perspective – we can deal with the difficulties that inevitably arise and power through them to accomplish our goals.



After Closing Keynote Entertainment with Wine, Beer & Mocktails:

After the closing Keynote speaker, join everyone in the Lounge Area for drinks, networking and some improv provided by Charlotte Comedy Theater

Event Parking: Park for free in the attached Wake Forest University Charlotte Center Deck.  Bring your ticket with you to get validated.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Special Events

Type of activity: Power Skills, Ways of Working, Business Acumen

Date: September 16th, 2023

Hour: 10:00AM to 4:00PM

Number of PDUs: 7.3


Students: $129.00

Members: $129.00

Non members: $149.00


Wake Forest University Charlotte Center

200 North College Street Suite 150
Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202

[Click here for Map and Directions]