Let's Kickoff 2023 In Person at The Union at Station West!-901/919 Berryhill Road Charlotte - Copy

Power Skills



Let’s Kick off our 2023 Quarterly Series!



Join us to network, be inspired, learn more about our objectives for 2023! Our Emcee for the evening is our very own, Rich Sauser, exiting VP of Marketing.


Date & Time: 1.17.23 5:30-7:30 Link to Register: Here

Location: Station West 919 Berryhill Road. Charlotte, NC 28208

Join us to network, be inspired and have fun!

Two keynote speakers, focusing on motivation to get you started for the new year! There will be lots of networking opportunities over appetizers and fun activities in between; Photo Booth, Raffle with prizes with brand new PMI Carolina SWAG! Come check out this exciting new event space at The Union at Station West. Also, a new sponsor for our chapter! Come check out this exciting new event space at The Union at Station West. Also, a new sponsor for our chapter!


Keynote speaker: Larry Dawson

A captivating, motivational speaker. A passionate life, leadership, and fitness coach. As well as a successful business owner, entrepreneur, podcast host, husband, and father.  Having faced tremendous adversity and tragedy as a young child and teen, Larry's life took a serious shift when he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Knowing that the odds were stacked against him, he made the decision to change his life in every way. Larry began studying psychology, leadership, and physical fitness.

Larry has now dedicated his life to helping others overcome anything that hinders their greatness.  His passion is to motivate. His gift is teaching others HOW to Be The Best YOU!



Keynote speaker: Elinor Miller

What makes a person seek guidance or hire a coach is the FRUSTRATION that things are not better, the BELIEF that it can be better, and the DESIRE to make it better.

Most people allow life to manage them, no purpose, no goal, no aim…”When you aim at nothing you will hit it EVERY TIME.” I can’t guarantee (no one can) that you will achieve everything you are aiming for, BUT your chances to get it by aiming are much higher. If you feel the frustration, have the belief and the desire, and don’t want to waste any more time, let’s connect. 

Wherever you are in your journey, you must remember that you are the author of your own book, just like in this story. Sign up to my e-mail list to stay connected and motivated; we all need that.

PMi Carolina Board of Directors 

Bring Your Questions and Drop them in the Question Box for the BOD's to answer



It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Charlotte

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: January 17th, 2023

Hour: 5:30PM to 7:30PM

Number of PDUs: 1.5


Students: $20.00

Members: $25.00

Non members: $35.00


The Union at Station West

919 Berryhill Road Charlotte
Charlotte, NC, 28028