"Exceptional Teams: Innovative Ways to Build, Bond, and Strengthen"; Speaker: Charles Holley, East Region (Wilmington & Jacksonville) Virtual Meeting

Ways of Working



There is a reason some teams win national championships and smash long-standing records to achieve the improbable. It is not talent alone nor is it merely good fortune. There are similar traits that great teams share in how they are built, the way they bond, and how they utilize their skill sets for peak performance. Outstanding corporate teams also follow this pattern. Learn innovative ways to build, bond, and strengthen your corporate team for maximum performance.


Learning Objectives:

  • Learn signs that your team may not be at peak performance
  • Learn a key trait to use when team building
  • Learn an innovative way to increase team bonds
  • Learn an innovative way to strengthen your team



Charles Holley



Speaker Bio:

Charles is an International Speaker and Award-winning Author who does keynotes, training, and consulting for corporations. He specializes in team building, bonding, and strengthening as well as engagement and communication. He is the author of the leadership book 7 Needs of High Performing Employees.


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Type of category: Wilmington

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: January 23rd, 2024

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
