"Influence Without Authority. ", Speaker: Kim Meninger, North (Cabarrus & Huntersville) Virtual Meeting

Ways of Working



Influence Without Authority

How do you get the support, engagement and commitment you need from others when you don’t manage them? This is a constant challenge, particularly in high pressure, results-driven environments where resources are limited and project schedules are tight. What you need is the ability to effectively influence without authority. This requires critical skills and strategies to engage cross-functional colleagues and stakeholders.



  • Define influence without authority and examine common challenges.
  • Explore relationship building strategies to help you maximize collaboration with your colleagues.
  • Identify ways to break through resistance and inspire others to embrace change.


Speaker: Kim Meninger




Speaker Bio:  Kim Meninger is a leadership coach and TEDx speaker focused on empowering professionals and organizations to reach new heights by making it easier to be human at work. As a certified coach with a background in psychology, Kim offers strategies to overcome impostor syndrome and grow professionals’ overall confidence, visibility, and influence. She believes that everyone deserves a seat at the table and that an authentic commitment to inclusion and psychological safety is the key to long-term corporate success. Kim also hosts The Impostor Syndrome Files podcast and leads a weekly Leading Humans discussion forum, which is free and open to all.
Kim has a BA in psychology and an MBA from Boston College. She is an ICF Professional Certified Coach and CCE Board Certified Coach with certifications in confidence, career, executive and leadership development coaching. Kim also holds a certificate in Executive Leadership from Cornell University.



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Type of category: Charlotte

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: May 16th, 2024

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
