"Agile in August Series": Developing Effective Agile Release Plans & Sprint Plans - Metro Region (Ballantyne, Charlotte & University) Virtual Meeting

Power Skills
Topic: Developing Effective Agile Release Plans & Sprint Plans
PDUs: .75 Ways of Working & .25 Business Acumen & .50 Power Skills

The causes of the majority of failed projects can be traced to poor definition and understanding of requirements. Prioritization of requirements and flexibility to adapt to changing requirements are essential for effective development in the Agile environment. Understanding how to adapt and adjust while maintaining strategic alignment is critical to long-term success.

Release plans have become increasingly prevalent in Agile practices and can assist in overall organization and structure of a Scrum project. The Scrum team should understand the vision and the key drivers for delivering value to the customer.

The sprint plan is the key building block of an Agile project. Establishing proper sprint plans is a critical Scrum artifact to ensure that value is delivered quickly and that the team velocity is consistent and meets customer expectations. Given the short time span of sprints (1-4 weeks), it is imperative that the team knows in advance exactly what they will work on in order to minimize waste.

This webinar will assist you in how to create a release plan as well as the process for developing sprint plans for your Agile project.

  1. Define what a release plan is and how it should be developed
  2. Establish the sprint plan process to develop the Sprint Backlog
Speaker: Roy Brewer
Speaker Bio: 

Roy is a Project, Program and Portfolio Management senior trainer and consultant

with over thirty years of practical performance and extensive successful

management experience. His project management, information technology, business

analysis, organizational development, and strong leadership experiences highlight

these skills obtained working with a variety of industries on complex projects. Roy

has also outstanding communication, leadership, and presentation skills.


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Type of category: Charlotte

Type of activity: Power Skills, Ways of Working, Business Acumen

Date: August 20th, 2024

Hour: 5:30PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1.5


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
