Charlotte Community March Meeting - Virtual Meeting via WebEX

PMI Metrolina Facilitators: Rhonda Evans, VP Programs & Anna Maddox, Director Metro

PMI Metrolina Chat Leaders: Tish Cottrell & Patricia Crawford, Co-chairs

Speaker & Presenter: Corey Pinkney

Topic: The Faster you Fail, the Faster you Win!

PMI Talent Triangle: 1.5 Strategic









How much do you need to know to begin? Often times,  especially at the enterprise level, we want all the answers to the questions before starting the work.   Ask yourself, what negative effects can that have on the end goal ?

In our personal lives, are we hesitant on how we take on iterative tasks?

This presentation will help us to look at the Agile framework as a whole  and determine that the faster we start - the faster we’ll fail - and inevitably the faster you will win.”

WebEx Meeting information

Meeting Number: 736 144 530

Password: pRYyPnVM448

Please sign-in with your full name when entering the WebEx for identification purposes - thank you

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Charlotte

Date: March 17th, 2020

Hour: 5:30PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 0


Members: Free

Non members: Free
