Wilmington Virtual Meeting - "From Agony to Ecstasy: Getting Unstuck for Tech Leaders and Professionals" Speaker: Josef Martens, PhD, CSP

Power Skills
Topic:  "From Agony to Ecstasy: Getting Unstuck for Tech Leaders and Professionals"

Presenter:  Josef Martens, PhD, CSP

Presenter Bio: Josef Martens helps organizations move their innovation and strategy efforts from good to great. Having completed his PhD in physics at the University of Cambridge, he was awarded several patents, and ushered a spin-off company through an IOP.

Throughout all this, Josef discovered that expertise is vastly overrated, and that other factors matter much more. Josef shares these factors in his keynote and training programs, and he helps individuals and organizations power-up their quest for new solutions: leaders gain impact, influence and innovation.  Over the past two decades, Josef has conducted programs in over 30 countries across six continents. Josef has spoken to corporate Government agencies for associations and on the TEDx stage.

Organizations face tremendous uncertainty, change and disruption. Technical organizations face even greater challenges as they deal with the constant need for innovation and unique characteristics of their workforce. You already have technically brilliant people who can cope with the technical side of the challenges, yet they can improve their leadership skills and the way they engage with clients.

In this program, we will explore strategies and immediately actionable tools to supercharge our impact and influence as a leader and with your customers.

After this program you be able to:

  • Improve your leadership and relationship with your clients and your business development efforts
  • Get along better in your teams
  • Lead your staff more effectively
  • Drive bottom line results

This program is specifically aimed at tech leaders, engineers, scientists, researchers, IT professionals and technical staff. You will walk away with clear steps how to complement your technical skills with key skills that are often labels as the “soft stuff” (but they are really the hard stuff!).

You will leave Josef’s programs with actionable take-aways. Be ready for a pants-out-of-your-seat program. High-energy, highly interactive and creating real results.


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Type of category: Wilmington

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: September 3rd, 2020

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00

