"A Deeper Dive Into Emotional Intelligence: What Holds You Back and What You Can Do About It", Speaker: Roger Wolkoff, Central (Mooresville & West Lake Norman)

Business Acumen
Topic: A Deeper Dive Into Emotional Intelligence: What Holds You Back and What You Can Do About It
Presentation Description:
Self-awareness is the first step. As you continue on the path of emotional intelligence, you become keenly aware that this is a process. Every personal and work situation is another opportunity to assess, process, learn, and grow. Managing your emotions is critical to your well-being. Knowing what triggers you helps you create your desired outcomes. Let's dive deeper to help you build your success!
Presenter: Roger Wolkoff
Presenter Bio: 

Roger Wolkoff is a motivational speaker who helps you tap into your strengths and potential so you can get out of your way and get more done. He speaks about the power of connecting, gratitude, and appreciation. How does he do it? Roger’s programs are high content and motivational in style and tone. He delivers stories, ideas, and keys to unlock what’s already inside you. 

Roger has over 20 years of expert interpersonal communication and teambuilding experience. He is a former (recovering) project manager who has successfully led dozens of projects and coached thousands of people. Audiences rave about his two most popular keynotes, How to Survive and Thrive in Times of Uncertainty and Create Companies and Teams People Don’t Want to Leave. 

Roger’s core messages center around trust, communication, and emotional intelligence. He helps leaders and high-performing teams communicate with clarity, conviction, and positive intent. He is an avid believer in Clifton’s Strength Finder and everything surrounding positivity. Roger is an expert in emotional intelligence, communication, and building positive relationships. 

Roger lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his wife, Anne. He loves to travel, bike, and read science fiction. He is a big fan of baseball, pinball, and all things Tesla.

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Type of category: Mooresville

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: August 12th, 2021

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $10.00

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00
